Balloon Sinuplasty™
Do You or Your Child Suffer From Chronic Sinusitis
with facial pain and pressure, recurrent sinus infections or facial headaches?
Then Balloon Sinuplasty™
Just Might Be Your Solution!
What is Balloon Sinuplasty?
Balloon Sinuplasty is a safe and effective sinus procedure for chronic sinusitis patients seeking relief from uncomfortable sinus pain symptoms. Some people, perhaps even you, suffer from constant sinus infections, congestion, pressure and headaches, and while medications provide only temporary relief, the suffering from these chronic conditions leaves you not only fatigued and in pain, but also frustrated.
Many of these people have opted out of surgery due to concern of postoperative pain and/or recovery time. These were valid concerns given the historical need to remove tissue to achieve sinus treatment goals. But this is not the case anymore. Recent advancements in balloon sinus dilation technology have allowed an alternative, safe and effective treatment that is minimally invasive – BALLOON SINUPLASTY.
How does Balloon Sinuplasty Work?
Balloon Sinuplasty devices are flexible instruments that allow us to restore normal drainage and function while preserving your natural anatomy. Much like cardiac angioplasty, it uses guide wires and balloon dilation of bone and soft tissue to open the natural sinus outflow tracts with minimal injury, speeding recovery for patients. Because of the remodeling of bone, a durable permanent opening is created in the sinus ostium.
How is Balloon Sinuplasty Safe & Less Invasive?
With Balloon Sinuplasty, there is no cutting of nasal bone or tissue. More than 380,000 patients suffering from chronic sinusitis symptoms have been treated by ear, nose and throat doctors using Balloon Sinuplasty.
How long does recovery take after Balloon Sinuplasty?
While recovery time varies with each patient, recovery is usually fast. Typically, most patients can return to work and normal activity within two days.
Am I a candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty?
If you have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and are not responding well to medication, or if you have recurrent acute rhinosinusitis, you may be a candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty.
Here is a list of chronic symptoms you might be experiencing:
Facial pain and pressure
Nasal congestion and blockage
Post nasal drainage
Nasal discharge
Tooth pain
Loss of smell or taste
Visit www.balloonsinuplasty.com for learn more, watch educational videos and read success stories.
I think I’m ready! So what do I do now?
Very few doctors offer Balloon Sinuplasty as an option. In fact as of August 2017, Dr. Brandon Ma, one of the doctors here at Randolph Health Ear Nose & Throat, is the only doctor to offer Balloon Sinuplasty in Asheboro and the surrounding Randolph County. Your luck is already changing!
Call us today at 336-625-1007 to see how we can help!
Balloon Sinuplasty™ – It Just Might Be Your Solution!
Balloon Sinuplasty is performed by Brandon Ma, DO, MS, one of the doctors here at Randolph Health Ear Nose & Throat.