Meet Your Provider
Sarah Jeanes, FNP-BC
Biologically Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
A New Paradigm in Medicine
The aging process is inevitable…but the changes from aging don’t have to be.
Conventional medicine has always held the belief that aging is inevitable and that its progressive deterioration cannot be altered. Fortunately, there is an exciting revolution in science and medicine that equates aging to a disease state. We are now entering a new era in mainstream medicine that focuses on the prevention of the symptoms of the aging process rather than simply the treatment of those symptoms. One of the most important preventative therapies in this new paradigm of care is hormone supplementation. Traditional medical models of care treat age-related hormonal declines as natural aging. The medical community as a whole has been taught that the risks outweigh any benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy. However, researchers from around the world have now shown that any hormonal deficiency associated with aging has real consequences and should be further evaluated in the context of each person’s medical, family and social history. Many studies now show that hormones can be very helpful for a variety of age-related diseases.
How and Why We Age
Over the last 50 years, research in the fields of endocrinology and immunology has improved our knowledge as to how and why we age. Communication between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems makes it possible for us to adapt and survive in our environment, and hormones are the messengers between these systems. Hormones exert biochemical effects on receptor sites to regulate our body’s temperature, reproduction, growth, metabolic rate, aging and immune functions. As messengers of the central nervous system, hormones instruct our internal organs on how to function. Unfortunately, both men and women experience a drop in these life-sustaining hormones as they age.
Hormonal Deficiency Symptoms Include:
Hot Flashes
Sleep Disorders (Insomnia, etc)
Loss of Muscle Mass
Hair Loss
Degenerative Diseases (Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Osteoporosis)
A Compromised Immune System
Wrinkling and Thinning of Skin
Depression and Stress
Mood Disorders and Mood Swings
Cognitive Decline
Loss of Sex Drive
Sexual Dysfunction
Weight Gain/Loss
Replenishment of hormones to optimal, physiological levels (not exceeding normal limits) has been shown to alleviate these age-related changes.
How Hormones Fit Into The Aging Process
Hormones are molecules that are manufactured in the endocrine glands, which include adrenal glands, testes ovaries, thyroid, pituitary and pineal glands. As the body ages, the levels of hormones diminish. In addition, the specific hormone receptor sites in the cells tend to change with age and become less sensitive and more resistant to hormone stimulation, resulting in a decrease in cellular function, cellular repair, protein synthesis and cell reproduction. All in all, this results in the signs and symptoms of aging that can only be reduced, and in some cases reversed, by replacing our hormones to optimal levels to improve hormone effectiveness.
As the levels of hormones decline, so do our physical and mental capabilities. We lose our energy, vitality, strength, physique and health. The deterioration seen in normal aging results in osteoporosis, coronary artery disease, muscle atrophy, sleep disorders, depression, mood disorders and decreased sociability. Much of this is caused by a decrease in hormones. By restoring these hormones to their optimal levels, it is possible to improve or even restore our zeal and energy as well as to strengthen and bolster our bodies and minds. We can improve and possibly reverse many of the symptoms and signs that we have come to associate with aging. We can also regain our youthful resilience, which protects us from the stressors of daily life.
Biologically Identical Hormones
Structure is everything when it comes to Hormone Replacement Therapy. Natural, biologically identical hormones mimic the shape and function of our own hormones. The body treats Bioidentical Hormones (and processes them in our bodies) the same way it processes its own natural hormones. Bioidentical Hormones are safer, with fewer side effects than traditional hormones. Bioidentical Hormones have been found to have a rejuvenating and proactive effect.
Unfortunately, many of the hormones traditionally prescribed are not identical to those found in the human body. These hormones may somewhat resemble our own hormones and may accomplish some of the same tasks, but they are animal and plant based. As the body works to metabolize these foreign substances, it may produce toxic by-products, which can cause a wide array of side effects like bloating, mood swings, water retention, and more serious problems such as cancer and heart disease.
In light of this, many patients insist on prescriptions from Biologically Identical Hormones only. The quality of life as you age depends heavily on the quality of hormones you take. Which hormones to replenish, how to replenish, and how to adjust the hormones is the art and science of this new specialty of Hormone Replacement Therapy.
We applaud you for taking the first step; now let us help you achieve the quality of life you desire and deserve.
How to Get Started
Our provider will conduct an initial consultation with you and draw blood for testing. Based on the results of these evaluations, our provider will formulate an optimal hormone replacement regimen that is specifically tailored to your needs.
Your personalized program will include prescriptions and recommendations for appropriate dietary supplements, exercise and proper nutritional guidelines. This preventive medicine program is designed to help you feel, function and live your best while preventing age-related decline in health. With optimal Bioidentical Hormone Replacement, the focus is on a healthy quality of life for years to come.
Call Randolph Health Urology today at 336-521-4928 to make an appointment and get started, as same day appointments may be available!