2016 PFAC Impact Award

Representing Randolph Health (Left to Right):
Dr. Charles West,
Tremonteo Crawford,
Karissa Lea, Joan Arasta,
Jana Hoyle & Sylvia Beamer
In The News
Posted February 12, 2016
North Carolina Quality Center Awards Randolph Health Two Awards
On January 28, 2016, the North Carolina Quality Center awarded Randolph Health two awards:
1.) Patient Family Engagement Impact Award for the patient-focused customized program at Randolph Health Orthopedics & Sports Medicine creating the WOW Experience.
W – Working to improve patient experience through
O – Ongoing process development and
W – Willingness to collaborate and achieve excellence
2.) Outstanding Patient & Family Advisor awarded to Joan Arasta (Patient Family Advisor) for her participation in providing innovative and useful feedback and her ability to partner with healthcare leaders to change how healthcare is being delivered.